We have a shared field - schools - which is a required field on all content types. I’m trying to modify this so that’s it’s required for all content types except one.
So in my validation, I like to have
Conditional: sys_contenttypeid=340 OR
Conditional: schools IS NOT NULL AND
However, I can’t get that OR to appear in the rule. When I highlight it, the rule appears in the Rule Details with the OR but in the rule itself it’s always AND.
Your problem seems to be that you used <PSXContentItemData> instead of <PSXSingleHtmlParameter> as James did in his example.
Content Item data refers to fields that are stored in the back end tables, and sys_contenttypeid is not one of those fields. It is, however, an HTML parameter that is passed in from the content editor form, so you can test for it that way.
Was this bug ever fixed? We are trying to add rules for the sys_title which is:
Extension:UniqueInFolder AND
Condition:ContentType != folder OR
RegEx: No special characters AND
However, there is no way to set OR. Currently we are whipping up an extension, but it seems silly to create an extension for something that should already exist. I am also assuming in the above example that the rules follow normal short-circuiting rules.