Varaint converter errors on workflow transitions

I am attempting to use the variant converter but sometimes get errors on Public items like the following:

Error - workflow transition failed on item id: 20837 - Caught exception: Unexpected error while communicating with remote server, error: “An unexpected error occurred while processing the CMS request. The error was: No records were found.”
failed transition from public, id: 20837 - not converted

20851 - Error - empty transition lists is not allowed for workflow: Subpages:_Approval_Must specified transitions for both ‘public to editable state’ and ‘editable to public state’, they cannot be empty
empty transition lists is not allowed for workflow: Subpages:_Approval_Must specified transitions for both ‘public to editable state’ and ‘editable to public state’, they cannot be empty

This is an excerpt of the file which has the proper workflow setting. I get the same error if I remove the entries. Has anyone else encountered this or know of a way around this besides manually transitioning the items?

Subpages:_Approval=Edit AVN;Return to Public AVN
Simple_Workflow=Quick Edit;ReturnToPublic
Standard_Workflow=Quick Edit;ReturnToPublic
Department_Main_Pages=Edit AVN;Return to Public AVN

Hi Sharyn

Each transition can be identified with its transition ‘id’ or ‘Trigger’ name.

Are you using the trigger name or the tranistion name?

I would also try using the transition id as well.


I already tried that without success.

The error message indicates a workflow named Subpages:_Approval_Must, but your properties file does not have this workflow. Instead it has Subpages:_Approval.

I changed it to Subpages:_Approval _Must (which did not work either) and that is not the name of our workflow it is Subpages:_Approval as is stated in my properties file.

The way I took the error is that it is trying to say this as a sentence:

Must specify transitions for both ‘public to editable state’ and ‘editable to public state’, they cannot be empty

But after your reply I noticed the extra _ after Subpages:Approval and checked the Workflow definition and there was an extra space after the name of the workflow and removed that. However it just changed the error to this now:

20851 - Error - empty transition lists is not allowed for workflow: Subpages:_ApprovalMust specified transitions for both ‘public to editable state’ and ‘editable to public state’, they cannot be empty

Is a semicolon legal in a workflow name? But you say you get the same errors when you remove the entries. Anyway, that error message does seem to needed some copyediting or proofreading.

I completely changed the name of the workflow to something completely benign like “Subpages” and still get the same error general error just with “Subpages” as the workflow name instead.

This issue ended up being a space at the end of the WF name in the registration that was causing it to not match the properties file.