Variant and Template

What is a variant, and how is it different from a snippet template?


Good morning,

Variant and Template are roughly analogous terms. In Version 5.7 and prior, when Rhythmyx used XSL as a templating language, we referred to output formats as Variants . When we moved to using Velocity as a templating language in Version 6.0, we decided to refer to the output constructs as Velocity Templates so there would be some differentiation between the two. This was especially important in upgraded systems where XSL Variants and Velocity Templates could both be used in conjunction with each other. As with Velocity Templates, XSL Variants could be either of Page or Snippet types.


We have version6.7. So it means if someone wants to use the variant, then it would involve editing the XSL file?

Unless you’ve upgraded from Version 5.7, it’s unlikely that you have any XSL Variants developed. Can you give me some more information on why you’re looking into Variants?
