Velocity code to get name and display label from combo box

I have a content type with the field “myfield1” which is a sys_DropdownSingle type.
What is the velocity code I can put in the template to display both the selected value of the combobox and also the display label ?

Also, is there any documentation with sample velocity code to handle different fields types like combo boxes, radio buttons etc. ?

Are you using a keyword to populate your drop down box? If so, I can offer you a solution to your question.

To display the selected value, you can use either:

To display the selected label, use:
$rx.keyword.getLabel(“keyword name”,$sys.item.getProperty(“myfield1”).String)

I dont know of any documentation. I usually find all my answers here on the forum.

Hope this helps.

Keyword methods are documented on page 422 of theRhythmyx Implementation Guide