Web forms

Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone could help me with web forms. Basically we create web forms using HTML / server scripts / plug-in and the forms are embedded into Rhythmyx pages. But this needs to be set up by a technical person. I am looking for a solution so that end users can create their web forms.

Does Rhythmyx support this or what is the best approach to implement the solution. Any advice and ideas would be greatly received.


What sort of web forms? I’ve built a way for users to define dorms for content items so that my content type definitions are extensible without needing to be re-developed by a content engineer (i.e. me). Is that what you’re looking for? Or are you looking for a way to build forms that are published to your destination website?

Thanks Rushing for your reply. I am looking for a mechanism to build basic email web forms that are to be published to our website.


What is the tech stack of the target environment that you are pushing to? That is really at the heart of how you would implement something like this. For instance, if you were on an Apache server and your were using PHP, your form might be published using a content type called Email Form, where the author entered the email address the email goes to and maybe some other fields that control the display and you could publish this a regular html page, but the form action would submit to a .php script to which appropriate parameters are passed that actually sends the email. If your back end server was say a Java Application Server or a Microsoft IIS running a .NET app, then your solution would obviously look different, depending on what your architecture is. At the end of the day, all Percussion can do out of the box is push out flat files with any extention you like according to a page template, so if you want to generate html, xml, JSP, that’s totally finally as long as you can write the template such that it ends up cointaining the required code or markup.

Percussion does have add-ins, like community marketing, that have all sorts of other functionality. These require Percussion’s help to implement, though and are extra cost items.

Thanks dtaylor for your suggestion. Our web server is Apache with PHP. I’ll give it a go and try. When it’s done, I’ll let you know.
