Web Service call to add item to a slot

What is the API to add a content item to the slot of an another content item when implementing a Web Service call? I could not find any method in the PSWsUtils or any of the Percussion Web Services SOAP APIs.


AddContentRelationsRequest from Content WS

Thanks Jitendra…I looked into this class AddContentRelationsRequest.
However, I could not find any method that takes the parent id, child id, slot name and template name and then add the child id item to the parent id item.

Can you please point me to the method that I need to invoke or how I need to use this API to add an item to the slot of another item.


Is it correct, that we first create an instance of AddContentRelationsRequest by passing the parent id, child id list, template, slot etc info, and then invoke addContentRelations from Content interface?

Do you know of an example on how to invoke this API.


Create an object of that class, fill in the appropriate values (for Id: parentId, RelatedId: childId, slot, template), then send that object to the Content Webservice… I do make sure that the parent id is checked out (preparedForEditRequest on parent id).