Web services error messages

If I am using web services to create a new content item and there is a problem, i.e. string to long for field, the message that comes back from the web service is not too helpful. It says “Null pointer exception”.

Is there an error log with more information anywhere?


Have you looked in system.log? Are there any messages there?

NullPointerExceptions are never the desired output. Can you tell us more about what operation you are performing when this error occurs?


I’ve also run into NullPointerExceptions with web services… although, for the most part, I think they had to do with values missing for a content item where that field is required. I’ve never been able to track these down completely… I just kept fiddling with my code until it seemed to work 99% or better of the time.

I have also had to add truncation algorithms into my code that submits web services requests to make sure that fields aren’t too long for the database. String-too-long errors were usually thrown by the jdbc/oraclethin subsystem though, so they were relatively easy to track down.

[QUOTE=dbenua;7087]Have you looked in system.log? Are there any messages there?

NullPointerExceptions are never the desired output. Can you tell us more about what operation you are performing when this error occurs?


Well, I’m important approx. 6000 content items from a database, and I started out with your Java sample code. It’s going pretty smoothly except for the null-pointer exceptions. I have the same experience that Rushing has. To figure out why I’m getting an exception, I have to open the Content Editor and try entering the item manually through that. Then either I get a descriptive error message, or I notice that the Html field is too short for the data.

Hmmm… My Rhythmyx root doesn’t seem to have a ‘system.log’

Anyway, it looks like it might not be too much of a problem for me. I was able to import all of my items except for one. It was getting the null pointer error. But we can just enter that one manually through the content editor.


Try checking <CMSServerroot>/AppServer/server/rx/log/server.log. You may find the error messages in that file.