WebDAV Config

Hi Guys

I have been trying to setup WebDAV on my 6.5.2 Rhythmyx implementation.

I have followed the documentation to set this up.

When I run the WebDAV command sys_command=validateConfig I get the message in bold below

contentTypeObj must be an PSWebdavContentType instance

Unfortunately I have no idea what this means and how to fix it. I have looked in the documentation but can’t find out how to make the Content type a WebDAV content type. Can anybody help?


Hi Guys

I have figured out what the problem was.

The PSXWebdavContentType ownerfield attribute field needs to have webdavowner as the value.


	<PSXWebdavContentType id="349" name="EmImage" contentfield="img1" ownerfield="webdavowner" default="false">