WebDav configuration problem

I am trying to set up a new webdav connection in 6.5.2 and I’m running into a problem.

We already have existing webdav connections that work, I have followed the latest documentation exactly, and I have checked the config files for typos etc.

The error I am getting is: The requested resource () is not available.

The only difference I can see between this new connection and the existing connections that work is the url pattern.

In the existing connections the url pattern is similar to:
http://servername:9992/Rhythmyx/rxwebdav/Sites/Website_Name/Section_Name/Page (i.e. no spaces in the url pattern)

whereas the new connection is similar to:
http://servername:9992/Rhythmyx/rxwebdav/Sites/Website Name/Section Name/Page (i.e. with spaces)

Therefore, my question is does webdav only work with url patterns that don’t contain spaces? In the Documentation the examples don’t have spaces, but there is no specific mention that this is how it must be done.


You can insert whatever URL you like in the key attribute on the urlMapping bean in the rxwebdav-servelet.xml file

This property controls the URL.


<bean id="urlMapping"
      <property name="mappings">
            <prop key="Folder/WebDavImages/**">WebDAVImages</prop>
            <prop key="EverymanImages">WebDAVEverymanImages</prop>

Yes - so in my instance the urlmapping bean looks like:

<bean id="urlMapping" class="com.percussion.utils.spring.PSUrlHandlerMapping">
      <property name="mappings">
	<prop key="Sites/Website Name/Section Name/Page/**">Files</prop>

So there are spaces in the url mapping here too. Is this allowed?

Keep the name very simple for the URL mapping so rather than

<bean id="urlMapping" class="com.percussion.utils.spring.PSUrlHandlerMapping">
      <property name="mappings">
	<prop key="Sites/Website Name/Section Name/Page/**">Files</prop>


<bean id="urlMapping" class="com.percussion.utils.spring.PSUrlHandlerMapping">
      <property name="mappings">
	<prop key="simpleName">Files</prop>

When you map the WebDAV folder you only need to type in the

