WebDAV, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and IE 8

Microsoft removed support for WebDAV in IE 8 and in Windows Vista and Windows 7. Clients on these operating systems may not be able to access WebDAV-enabled Folders in CM System.

For additional information and workarounds, see http://ncs.science.sjsu.edu/helpdesk/readme/How_to_open_webfolders_with_IE_8_installed.htm


And got

Rhythmyx WebDav Configuration Validator
Errors found:

Nested path found. The current root, ‘//Sites/CorporateInvestments/Images’, is overlapped with ‘/’, which is the root defined in another WebDAV configuration file.

Warnings found:

In content type ‘rffImage’, the file name will be set to both displaytitle and ‘sys_title’ fields, but the displayname property always maps to ‘sys_title’ field.

Field rules null must be removed from field img_alt in content type ‘rffImage’ if there is no default value or other ways to set the value during insert or update process.

In content type ‘rffFile’, the file name will be set to both displaytitle and ‘sys_title’ fields, but the displayname property always maps to ‘sys_title’ field.

Field rules isValidFile must be removed from field item_file_attachment in content type ‘rffFile’ if there is no default value or other ways to set the value during insert or update process.

I am using Rhythmyx 6.7 Patch# 16719. I have NOT created any of my own WebDAV folder yet, just using the built-in examples. Any idea what is wrong here?

Thanks, -Hua

We are using Windows 7. Does this mean we can NOT use WebDAV any more?

Thanks, -Hua