Well formed content required for a sys_EditBox control ?

We’re using Rx Web Services API 6.5.2 to try and insert some content like:

“Blah blah blah <br>”

into a field that is typed as a sys_EditBox field (size of 500) and I get this error:

“Failed to save item with id ‘-1’. The underlying error was: Error The element type “br” must be terminated by the matching end-tag “</br>”.: {1}.”

My question is, why does it matter whether the content is well formed or not? I was under the impression that the EditBox control doesn’t care about the format of it’s content. I recall having this error previously when we were using a sys_EditLive control but switching to an EditBox control solved it (but no longer).

One possibility is that you have one of the “cleanup” exits (or the “allow inline links” attributes) set on this field.

What happens when you enter “blah blah blah <br>” into the edit box (e.g. via the front end, not Web Services)? Do you get the error or not ?


I do get an error:

An unexpected exception occurred. The reason was: Error Content is not allowed in prolog.: {1}. Please consult the log for further information…

However, if I enter the same text into another field that is also a sys_EditBox it works just fine.

I double checked the Field data properties for the field in question and no options are checked (ie. Allow inline links, Clean up broken inline links, or May contain identifiers are not checked).

[QUOTE=edpark;899]I do get an error:

An unexpected exception occurred. The reason was: Error Content is not allowed in prolog.: {1}. Please consult the log for further information…

However, if I enter the same text into another field that is also a sys_EditBox it works just fine.[/QUOTE]

Ok, so we’ve established that the problem is with the Content Editor (and specifically, that field) rather than with Web Services.

Look at the content type XML, and determine if there are any “extensions” (particularly <InputDataExits>) that refer to that field name.

Also look at the <PSXField> and <PSXDisplayMapping> are there any differences between the field that works and the field that does not?

Also, tell me if these are shared or local fields.
