What is the best way to remove <meta content="Percussion Rhythmyx" name="generator">

What is the best way to remove

meta content=“Percussion Rhythmyx” name=“generator”

from our pages ?

Welcome to the forum.

Why would you want to do this? The generator should not have any impact on anything (all modern search engines ignore these tags). Are you ashamed of being one of us ?

In any case, the answer depends on the version you are running.

In 5.x (and earlier) this is baked into the generated XSL (in the global template, for pages that use a global template). You can, of course, edit the XSL yourself, but the global template update application will run whenever there are any edits to the HTML version of the template. This will effectively overwrite your change. You can disable the application, but then you can’t update the global templates.

In 6.x, there is no global template update process, you can simply edit the template.


thanks and i’ll also mention your useful comments to our SEO team