Why does Percussion only import part of my site?

Why does Percussion only import part of my site? It keeps stopping partway through. I’ve started over again 4 times already!


Very good question. As I mentioned, we were able to import your full site in one of our testing environments without any issues on our first try over here. There may be some type of system resource constraint bottle-necking the process on your end. I’ve opened up a support ticket for this issue to take a closer look into what’s going wrong; please check your email momentarily.

We would need to see both the import log as well as the server log to diagnose the specifics. Generally what we find in these circumstance is that the server runs out of resources – either RAM or CPU. We are doing some things in our next release to mitigate this, but we are also increasing our recommended specifications for the CM1 server, particularly during site import. We will be recommending 6GB of RAM and a 64-bit processor.

Dan, your comment about the server running out of resources makes sense. I have been monitoring the RAM and CPU and noticed the RAM running consistantly at 90% with only Percussion and Firefox(to login) running.

I have added additional RAM and ran the site import again with the same results. I’ve submitted the server log, and site import summary to Nathaniel. Thanks guys.

Any luck figuring out what is prevent our entire site from being imported?


We currently have a resource from Engineering looking into this. I will have an update for you by the end of the day.

To wrap up this thread, the underlying issue that was preventing Live First from pulling in their full site has been corrected in version 3.3.