Why is my RSS icon showing on bottom?

I don’t understand why I’m not seeing the changes at all. It doesn’t work in all browsers for me. I’ve attached screenshots that shows the files revert back to the old one on the server despite deleting the file. I’m checking with our systems admin to see if I have the server access rights to do this. Otherwise, I have NO idea why this isn’t working and why the files revert back when I perform a full site publish. Please note the time of the screenshot and the date and size of the files… the earlier time is the new file. The later time is after a full publish, which it reverts back to the old file.

Hey, now it’s broke on my end too! What server are you placing the JS files on? It should be the Dev application server at [perc_root]/web_resources/cm/common/js, NOT the web server. If you’re placing it on the web server, a full publish will overwrite these updated files (rather than push out the updated files from the application end to your web server, as it should be doing).

That’s exactly where I’m going wrong!!!

From your directions, it sounded like the WEB server… my bad! Thank you!

  1. Remove the perc_common_ui.js file on your wwwtest web server (not your CM1 application server, but your desitination web server) from {publish_root}/web_resources/cm/common/js/

Ah, those were my old directions. At that point I thought you might have the updated file on your App end but an older file was locked on your Web end. Because that didn’t work, that told me you actually had an outdated file on your App end, which led to us uncovering the bug I mentioned. (Hope that made sense!)

Not really! lol but in any case… IT WORKS!! Thanks for sticking this out with me!!

Haha no worries, I’m glad to get this one squared away! I realize the timing on my end must have been just right (or wrong) to consistently hit your site after you had updated the files but before the full publish had run. We would’ve gotten to the bottom of this much sooner if I’d seen what you were seeing off the bat. Oh well!