Why is my RSS icon showing on bottom?


I have created an RSS feed that shows up in preview perfectly, since I have it set up to show on top of the list but when I publish, it displays it at the bottom. Any ideas?

here’s my CSS:


Hi Sarah,

Can you send me a link to the page so I can take a look.

Thank you,

This is a test site so I’m not sure if you’ll be able to see it or not but here’s the URL:


Hi Sarah,

We are still investigating the issue. We think it may be a bug. Give us a little more time to get back to you on this issue.

  • Armani

Sounds good, thanks Armani!

In the mean time, I’ve created an HTML widget with the code of RSS icon and it works and looks great as a workaround.

That’s great. I think we may have found some other bugs with RSS icon. We are still looking into the issue. I will get back to as soon as we have some answers.

Hi Sarah,

It looks like you just relocated the RSS link into an HTML widget as a workaround, it that correct? (Edit: you and Armani replied as I was typing this. Nice work!)

It looks like you’ve got an outdated perc_common_ui JS file on your web server. When I setup a proxy on my machine rerouting your copy of this file to the same file from another 3.2 instance, the HTML is properly structured so that the RSS link appears above. The problem here may have to do with how our system is handing web_resources timestamps, and not pushing out the updated file.

Because this is a test server, would you (or one of your server admins) be able to follow the two steps below?

  1. Remove the perc_common_ui.js file on your wwwtest web server (not your CM1 application server, but your desitination web server) from {publish_root}/web_resources/cm/common/js/

  2. Republish your site in CM1 to the wwwtest web server

Let me know once (or if) you’ve had a chance to do so.

Hi Nathaniel,

I have deleted the perc_common_ui.js file on our test site and full published. Sorry it took us awhile!

Let me know what else I can do to help.


Also, I’m thinking this new issue is related:

On the bottom of a blog post we have the blog navigation which doesn’t work. It just appears to be an anchor link to the top of the current page. You can see this behavior on the bottom of this page and try “Next Post” and “Previous Post”:


2 more quick notes:

  1. The RSS icon is still floating to the bottom after deleting the old js file.
  2. The blog navigation wouldn’t even show up on published pages unless I gave it this CSS:

.perc-blog-nav-left-wrapper {
display: block !important;

.perc-blog-nav-right-wrapper {
display: block !important;

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for the follow-up. Both issues in your last post are actually due to known issues with the perc_common_ui.js file, but these problems have since been fixed in the version you’re running in your Dev environment (3.3). So, the core issue here is that your perc_common_ui.js file is simply not being updated on upgrade.

I’ve been looking into this with one of our engineers and we’ve determined that there is flawed logic within the installer that would prevent this file from deploying in certain scenarios (which I know would match your case).

We aim to correct this in version 3.4, but for now, a workaround would be to download the 3.3 common UI files from here:


And then extract them onto your Application server at [perc_root]/web_resources/cm/common/js

Once the files are in place, you’ll need to run a full site publish for the updated files to get pushed out.

I would be happy to implement this fix while working with your team on the upgrade next week. Or, feel free to go ahead and test this fix in Dev yourself.

I will try to fix myself right now but if not, I’ll let you handle it next week. Thank you Nathaniel!

Sounds good, let me know how it goes (don’t forget to clear your cache after re-publishing)!

I did exactly what was asked and it didn’t work. Cleared my cache and tried on a different browser. Still same behavior.

Repeating again.


Can you give it a second look? The Previous and Next links appear to be working now on our end using FireFox and Chrome (can’t test the RSS icon fix because you have that hard coded currently). It may be that the full publish hadn’t gone through entirely.

I’ve done this process 4 times, cleared my cache on all the browsers I’m testing on and also checked off-network and nothing seems to have changed. HELP!! I’m not sure how you all are seeing anything work!! You can test the RSS icon here:



This appears to be an IE issue. Everything works fine in Chrome and Firefox. I’ll take a closer look into what’s happening here and get back to you.