Workbench console output for debugging

I’ve been having a few error messages pop up in the workbench lately and am curious as to what’s going on behind the scenes. In the past you could run 'RhythmyxWorkbench.exe -is:javaconsole" at the command line and a console window will display in the background. This works fine up to version 6.5.2. In newer versions (6.7, 7.x) I don’t seem to get a console window appearing any more.

Is there another switch I need to get the console to appear?

Davidrowe, you may be able to check the errors in the error log accessible from [Help] => [About Rhythmyx] => [Configuration Details] => View Error Log

Hi. Thanks for this. I’ve just been told this by support and was going to update this entry but you beat me to it. Thank you.

edit RhythmyxServer.bin.lax

Change lax.stdout.redirect as below



leave blank for no output, “console” to send to a console window,

and any path to a file to save to the file
