Workbench - Error occurred attempting to view Allowed Content Types for a Workflow

I am documenting our environment, and I was navigating through Workbench when I noticed this unexpected behavior. This behavior was experienced on CM System 7.1.

Try to reproduce this error by following these steps.

[li]Launch Percussion Rhythmyx Workbench[/li][li]Log into your Percussion environment through Workbench[/li][li]Open the System Design tab[/li][li]Expand Workflows[/li][li]Expand any available workflow[/li][li]Expand Allowed Content Types[/li][li]Do you see a listing of content types or an error message?[/li][/ol]

Please report if you see an error message below “Allowed Content Types” stating "Error Occurred: com.percussion.client.PSModelException…

The server.log is reporting

2013-01-24 11:39:11,721 WARN  [com.percussion.webservices.transformation.converter.PSErrorResultsExceptionConverter] Failed to convert an unknown data type: class com.percussion.cms.objectstore.PSItemDefinition

I haven’t attempted to dive into the problem to see where the fault is located.

Hi Riley

This error is in 6.7 also and I am pretty sure it was in versions prior to 6.7. I am also sure there was a forum post about this a good while back but I can’t seem to find it at the moment.



Traced the error message to a content type experiencing malformed XML. The content type attempts to start up; however, this process fails with the following error message:

[com.percussion.ObjectStore] An unexpected exception occurred while loading the psx_cecontentTypeName application: com.percussion.conn.PSServerException: An unexpected exception occurred while loading the psx_cecontentTypeName application: The <PSXFieldSet> child element of the <PSXContentEditorMapper> XML element is invalid or empty: null

Our original error is caused by the content type’s invalid XML. Solving the content type’s invalid XML will involve inspecting the content type’s XML file located in the ObjectStore directory and the content type’s database table.