Workbench Handler Error

We are experiencing a strange problem when opening a content type from Workbench that connects to Percussion installed on a LINUX box.
The message says:

A handler could not be found to handle the request for (…getControls.xml) submitted by session id.

I have attached a screenshot for the error window we get.

I have attached a screenshot for the error window we get.[/quote]

There is nothing attached. Is this the same environment that you developed some custom exits/plugins for on Windows then ported them to Linux?

Sorry…could not add the attachment…The stack trace is as follows:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Error when making request to:
HTTP error code: 404: <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
<PSXLogErrorSet class=“Request handler not found” host=“” port=“9992” protocol=“http” root=“/Rhythmyx” rxroot=“”>
<Error id=“0”>A handler could not be found to handle the request for (/Rhythmyx/sys_psxContentEditorCataloger/getControls.xml) submitted by session id .</Error>
at com.percussion.util.PSRemoteRequester.o00000(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.percussion.util.PSRemoteRequester.getDocument(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.client.models.impl.PSContentTypeModel.getControls(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.workbench.ui.editors.form.ce.PSContentEditorDefinition.getContentEditorControls(Unknown Source)
