Workbench Hangup


We are using Rhythmyx 6.5.2 with the RX-13972 patch. The issue we are facing is that, our Workbench keeps hanging from time to time and goes to an unrecoverable state. In order to start using it again, we need to restart our whole server everytime! This is not ideal and is wasting a lot of our time. We are aware that the two main patches related to this are:

  1. RX-14803 - Workbench performance decreases as we add sites incrementally to template visibility.
  2. RX-13910 - Workbench doesn’t release memory over time

Re 1 - Do we need to install this? If so, can you please let us know how to proceed with that?
Re 2 - As mentioned above, we have a later patch than this one. So I guess we don’t need to install this? Please advice.


we have a later patch than this one. So I guess we don’t need to install this?

Patches are cumulative. Later patches for a release usually include fixes delivered in earlier patches.

can you please let us know how to proceed with that?


One thing you might also try is to run the Rhythmyx Workbench with the Java console. The Java console will display errors that occur while the Rhythmyx Workbench is running, which will make it easier to diagnose the problem.

To run with the Java console, open a terminal window, change to your Rhythmyx installation directory, and run RhythmyxWorkbench.exe -is:javaconsole.

If you see any errors in the console, please post them.