workbench install without DVD?

Can the workbench still be installed from the server by going to a URL? Is it something like Rhythmyx/Administration/DeveloperTools/install.html ?


That is correct. The Workbench is part of the Developers Tools.

See “Installing Remote Client Components” on p. 12 of Installing Rhythmyx.


When I go to http://localhost:9992/Rhythmyx/Administration/DeveloperTools/Install.html

I get:
Processing Error: Request handler not found

The data set associated with the request for (/Rhythmyx/Administration/DeveloperTools/Install.xml) submitted by session id 50430059b7f85568c9e9e438d13cdf4d4341a32c could not be found in the application (Administration).

We are on patch RX-13785.

On another note, I was able to install the workbench by just copying the directory (C:\Rhythmyx_6_5_2\Administration\DeveloperTools) to the target computer and running devToolsSetup.exe)

On another note, I was able to install the workbench by just copying the directory (C:\Rhythmyx_6_5_2\Administration\DeveloperTools) to the target computer and running devToolsSetup.exe)[/QUOTE]

That’s how we’ve done it too.


If your server is installed on Windows, check for install.html under {Rhythmyx root}\Administration\DeveloperTools. You will get the error posted if this file is missing. Also, if your server is installed on Unix, the url for running the developer tools installer should be http://…/Rhythmyx/Administration/DeveloperTools/install.html. Note that install.html begins with a lowercase ‘i’. You will also get the error posted if you use uppercase ‘I’ against a Rhythmyx server installed on Unix.

That worked. It was the small ‘i’ in ‘install’ that did the trick (the document has it listed as a ‘I’). Thanks!

We are still having problems with installing Workbench using

We get "The dataset associated with the request for (/Rhythmyx/Administration/DeveloperTools/install.xml) submitted by session id 6955cb223776988fad10f08a782c1ae67d233941 could not be found in the applicatin (Administration). " error.

Whats going wrong here?


We have done this several times with no problems. Have you got access to the server to be able to check the path?


The extension on the URL should be “.htm” not “.html”. We moved to a new installer tool in Version 6.6, and it is more restrictive about the extension.

The URL was updated to match the current requirement in the Installing Rhythmyx for Version 6.6.


Thanks Johnson,

I was able to install the tools now.