Workbench Not connecting to Dev Server

I am currently experiencing problems with Workbench. It is not letting me do anything.

I have attached the workbench log file.

!MESSAGE A workspace crash was detected. The previous session did not exit normally.

Can some one tell me how to get back the workbench to function formally?


Did you try restarting the WB? Is anyone else experiencing this problem on a different client? What version of Rx?

6.5 version of Workbench connecting to 6.6 evaluation copy of Rhythmyx.

Everything was fine till yesterday.

I restarted everything. Even my colleague is not able to connect to Rhythmyx and he also has the same problem.


You should always make sure the version of the Developer’s tools match the version of the product that you’re working with. You can download the latest tools from a running 6.6x Rhythmyx server by using the URL below:


That being said, if you weren’t previously having problems with the 6.5x WB and now other users also encounter this same behavior on different machines, the problem may be something with the server itself. I recommend trying to install and use the latest Developer tools. If you still have trouble, submit a new ticket with Tech Support.
