Workbench Source Display Issue

After having installed Workbench on my new Vista computer, I’m getting a mini-source window. My programming counterpart uses exactly the same make, model and OS as I, and has no problems with the Workbench.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the software. There are no resizing handles available, and a thorough search of the menu options has turned up zip. Any ideas on how to get this to display correctly?

That’s very bizarre. We’ve never seen this before.

What happens when you reset the perspective? (on the Window menu)


Nothing. It just resets everything else to the default. I tried creating a new perspective, but that didn’t help either.

One clue: if I open a template, then right-click the minimize button and choose “New Editor” - then close the new editor window - the first window then displays properly. However, when I save, I get an error message telling me that the “Object must be locked before operation.” Odd…