Workflow Assigned Constantly processing

CM1 (v.3.1) is hanging on the following:

chrome and firefox tested, same issue:

Workflow > Assigned. Popups up a box that says “Assigned sites & folders” as well as the modal overlay with “Processing, Please wait…”

It’s been sitting here for a few minutes already.

We do have quite a few subsections under our Site, but I don’t think it should be taking this long becaue of that.

Hi Paul,

If you leave this open in a separate tab and let it spin for up to fifteen minutes, does it eventually load? Can you give me a rough estimate as to the amount of subsections present under your site(s)? Thanks!

no, it never finished loading. still spinning (hours later, I’m assuming at this point it timed out and I’m probably not actually even logged in anymore).

Our third level on our site probably has close to 100 sections (schools). each one of these could have anywhere from 1 to 100+ sections (teachers) under them which is the 4th level of the site.

The finder typically takes about 20 or 30 seconds to show the sections on our 3rd level. and the 4th levels are quick to load in the finder, even though they have as many sections.

These also load decently quick when under the navigation screen when expanding sections.

Thanks for testing that, Paul. I’m going to open a support ticket in out internal portal in order to take a closer look at this issue. Please check your inbox momentary for a notification.

Okay thanks. haven’t seen the notification yet though.

Hi Paul, I sent the notice to the same email address you have stored on your forum account here. Can you check your spam folder to make sure it didn’t get dropped in there?

not seeing it. I get notifications of new replies to this topic perfectly fine. what domain address should the notification be coming from? I can check with our support dept. and make sure it’s not getting blocked.

These will be coming from “”. Let me know.

yep, they were being blocked. got it now. I can’t upload my server log because it says the file already exists.

To update the Community on this one, the workflow assignment menu has been re-architected as of version 3.3 so that the menu should no longer time-out as a result of a large amount of content in the system.