Workflow Initiation

Hello All,

Currently we have two content types 1) link 2) link _list. We also have a workflow (list_workflow) for link_list content type.
link_list content item refers to link content items using ephox inline links.

I am trying to see if there is a way to initiate list_workflow when a link content item is modified.

For e.g.
We have five link items.
Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4 and Link5 and 3 Link_list items, Link_list1, Link_list and Link_list3.

Link_list1 contains Link1 and Link2
Link_list2 contains Link3 and Link4
Link_list3 contains Link1 and Link3 and Link5.

What we want is , when Link1 is modified, List_workflow should kick in for Link_list1 and Link_list3 content items for the appropriate approvals. similarly when Link3 is modified list_workflow should kick in for Link_list 2 and Link_list3. Is there a way to achieve this functionality?



Can you clarify a bit? When you say

[QUOTE=RaviM;9518]I am trying to see if there is a way to initiate list_workflow when a link content item is modified.

What we want is , when Link1 is modified, List_workflow should kick in for Link_list1 and Link_list3 content items for the appropriate approvals. similarly when Link3 is modified list_workflow should kick in for Link_list 2 and Link_list3. Is there a way to achieve this functionality?[/QUOTE]

What do you mean when you say you want the Workflow “initiated”? Do you mean you want Content Items Transitioned?

Also, I’m unclear what you mean by “modified” Do you mean when edits to the Content Item are saved? Or do you mean when the Content Item is Transitioned?


Hello RL,

Sorry for the language, I am new to Percussion.

What do you mean when you say you want the Workflow “initiated”? Do you mean you want Content Items Transitioned?
Yes, when my content item is modified, I want the appropriate workflow to kick in, for the approval process.

Also, I’m unclear what you mean by “modified” Do you mean when edits to the Content Item are saved? Or do you mean when the Content Item is Transitioned?
Modified means, when some one edits the content item and it is saved.

Basically, we have link content items and list content items, content manager adds (using ephox inline links) link content items into list content items. When a link content item is edited and saved, all the list content items which have reference to that particular link content item, should get modified too (thus changing their state to quick edit) and as such, we need an approval process to make them public again.



In the system “out of the box”, the list items will be “republished” but do not require “re-approval”. There’s no way to do this via simple configuration, but it’s possible with a relationship “effect” (a type of Java extension).

In the general case, we cannot assume that the items in the list are owned by the same user (or even community) as the list itself. If we coupled these items in the workflow in the manner you suggest, it would be very difficult to re-use content that you didn’t have rights to edit.

If you are okay with this restriction, then we can discuss how a relationship effect might solve your problem. I suggest that you contact me, either directly or through Sales for more details.
