Workflow Notifications

Is there a way to reconfigure the workflow notification procedure to send one copy of the email to each recipient separately, instead of one email to all recipients.

The concern is that some people, for matters of privacy, have restricted their email from public queries. We have written our own subject catalogers that will provide us with the email address. However, if the workflow notification discloses that email address to anyone else in the to: field, then there is a violation of privacy.

The other alternative would be to place all email addresses in the bcc: field instead of the to: field.



We were told that this is not possible in our JAD sessions.

The only way round it was to do adhoc assignments, but I don’t think this adds people to a BCC field.

Best Wishes


Hi there

I agree with Georgina that it is not possible… yet? This has been an issue for several years as the email notifications go to everyone in the specified role rather than individuals. One way around it is to create lots of roles but then there is considerable maintenance overheads.
Maybe this is something Percussion could put on their roadmap as Workflows haven’t really improved since Rx 4.5 and the whole set-up scenario is tedious and time consuming, in my view. It could do with a complete overhaul.


Completely agree. We highlighted this as a major concern in our JAD sessions and decided the overhead of hundreds of roles just to get round something that was not complete in the system was not a good approach.

I will add this to the Ideas forum, please vote there!

Rhythmyx 6.5.2

Look in http://rxserver:port/Rhythmyx/Docs/Rhythmyx/Javadocs/index.html

In the upper left-hand corner, click on com.percussion.workflow.mail

In the lower left-hand corner, click on Interface > IPSMailProgram.

Looks like you can implement your own method for sendMessage which means you can intercept the To: field and then parse it to produce individual emails, even just send one message but specify it to go to the BCC field.

We’ll let you know the mileage.

By implementing the IPSMailProgram interface and then registering the class in rxconfig/ with the following

We were able to successfully send mail to users via bcc. As an added bonus, we are also able to specify the “From” field, to which we have set as a "". I believe the default behavior is to send the email masquerading as the user who made the transition.

Props to the Rhythmyx developers for giving us the ability and the API to figure out how to do this.