workflow question

Is there any way of doing bulk changes to multiple workflows. Currently we have a hundred odd workflows (don’t ask) in which we have an author role that cannot redraft items sent for approval. We want to change all the workflows to allow them to redraft (preferably not one at a time by hand).

There’s no support for this in the product. Your only choices are to do them all one at a time by hand or to modify the database.

What’s the magnitude of the change? Are you adding states or transitions? or just changing the permissions on an existing transition?


PS: If you do modify the database and you break something, we have no way to help you put it back together again. Make a backup (or two) before you start.

We just want to enable our author role (which currently can only create content and send it for approval) to be able to redraft items from both the published and review states but not be able to publish or unpublish items. We have manually changed one workflow by making the author role an assignee in the publish state (and having all users allowed to redraft) and then restricting the unpublish transition to specified users (not including the author). The mechanism of the workflow changes we know well but the thought of manually changing hundreds of workflows is less than appealing :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, this isn’t in the product. In fact, this feature (bulk edit of workflows) probably wouldn’t make my top 50 list of new features I’d want to add.

We come back to the question of why you have 100+ workflows. This will have some impact on performance and as you’ve already seen, it makes the system more cumbersome to maintain.

We have so many workflows because we are a large university with loads of departments (schools) and they all want to be kept separate from each other as far as authoring content is concerned. I know the same workflow coupled with communities and roles would be more sensible but that would mean authors could send stuff for review to other departments and approvers could publish content that doesn’t belong to their sphere of influence.