Workflow + Users + Email notifications not flowing well

I have 7 sites on my system.

I have 5 admins on my system, adding 2 more soon.

First problem - when admins approve any content, usually created by them, all admins on the system get an email asking them to approve the admin’s content. Why would admin edits be submitted for approval at all? They’ve already approved it.

Second problem - I can’t figure out how to configure settings so that the only notifications the admins get are for those submissions having to do with their own sites. They are unconnected sites, yet they are all getting approval requests for all submissions on all sites.

I can’t find anything in videos or documentation that covers this. I’ve created a workflow for each individual site, but it seems only “default” is being used by the system. How do I activate all workflows?

I have removed the email addresses from all except 3 level 1 administrators (consultants and myself), to stop the continuous disruptions of email notifications for now. Emails are being generated for every content change that is approved (not submitted).

" I’ve created a workflow for each individual site, but it seems only “default” is being used by the system. How do I activate all workflows?"

Cheryl, I think you need to go under Workflow Screen, select the workflow on the left (so that is highlighted in green), then click the “+” icon to the right of “Assign”. Once the window pops up you can assign the workflow to specific sites and asset folders. be sure you use the checkbox on the right to actually apply the assignment.

Also be aware if your sites and/or asset folders are large and/or deep, it may take a while to fully load the list.

Yes, I already did that. The problem really is in the notifications. Why are notifications being sent when it’s admins that are doing the approving? And, how do I make sure the right admins are getting the right emails and not all of them?

Sorry Cheryl, I thought you were saying it was grabbing the “default workflow” for your sites for the workflow processes, but you’re meaning it’s just using the default workflow for email notifications I guess. Won’t be much help there then, as we have yet to setup any notifications for our implementation.

Hi Cheryl,

Paul is correct on the path to assign a workflow to a certain section. However, there is a small note I have to make. If you have any sections that say (default workflow) next to the the section itself

like in this screen cap example

then before you can reassign it, you have to have it unassigned first. Then apply the appropriate workflow to it. The system will not overwrite a workflow.

One thing that we are working on is having customization with email notifications. Right now the default is “content is waiting for your approval,” but in truth that means different things for different roles. As an admin who has approved content and is getting that email, even though it says waiting for approval, what it really means is that it is ready for publishing and it is waiting in the pending state. Customization will fix that sort of confusion! You can also uncheck the email notifications by going to the “approved” step of the workflow and configuring the permission.

“Admins” within the Percussion CMS is a global role and was designed to be a sort of global over watch. This provides the users with a fair amount of pros, but as you have discovered an important con as well. You will not be able to prevent other admins from getting the notifications from users and roles from the other sites. The only thing you can do is uncheck the “notify” box for roles that you don’t want emails from. It depends on what email notifications you deem essential.

Hope this helps!

You can also turn off notification to the Admin role for a workflow step, just uncheck the “Notify” checkbox (it’s shown checked in the screenshot below):

Has this been resolved yet?  I’m having the same problem.  All my editors receive a content awaiting your approval for every item that is submitted and approved.

For example, I (as the admin) uploaded and approved 45 images.  All editors to those pages received 45 emails stating “Content is Awaiting Your Approval”.  This is confusing them. 


Do you have notify turned on in the approved step of the workflow?

If you un-tick notify in the ‘Approved’ step it shouldn’t send any notifications on approvals.

I have users who prefer getting email notifications that a page has been published by another member of their Workflow Group. The problem is that the default notification reads “Content is awaiting your approval” when it really isn’t, and as @Libby stated this confuses them and requires training around the default email’s verbage.

It would be fantastic to either reword the email, or have a separate email notification for content that gets published.