Would there be a way to change the “help” link in the ? menu to possibly a in house link for FAQ’s that we have encountered?

Would there be a way to change the “help” link in the ? menu to possibly a in house link for FAQ’s that we have encountered? I think this would be nice if this link was editable for just Contributors and Editors. The link back to Percussion would be nice for admins.

Hey Matt,

While there’s no supported way to manipulate the links in the UI based on the user’s workflow role, I do think the general idea of having an internal FAQ / Wiki tailored for your implementation of CM1 – to outline the purpose of certain templates, explain the function of customized RTE styles, etc. – is a great idea. Having your own internal Wiki page to aggregate all of this information would be an especially good practice, I think, so that all your users could add to it. It might make sense to provide your content contributors with a link to this page at the same time that you provide them will access information to CM1, to ensure that everyone who bookmarks CM1 also bookmarks this page.