Writing custom Notification

I have a requirement that whenever a child content item is modified, all the parent content items(Page content items) that have the child content item added to them should get notified about the updates to the content item.

We were interested to send the notification to the Percussion Inbox rather than the actual Email Inbox. I was looking into post processor sendNotification extension. What I found so far is that the underlying class that gets invoked is PSExitNotifyAssignees.

My design is to add the new custom extension as a post processor extension to the child content type. In this extension, I would find all the parents for this child content item, and then invoke sendNotification individually for each one of the parents. However, I am not able to find any API or Javadoc for PSExitNotifyAssignees class?

Or is there a better way to do this, or is there any other class/API besides PSExitNotifyAssignees that can someone refer me to?



Do you mean the “Inbox” view in Content Explorer? This view is not an e-mail inbox. It is a view that displays Content Items assigned to the user logged in to the system. You can’t send a notification to this “inbox”.


Okay…so does that means after a author creates a new content item, and submits for approval to the Approver, the Approver would see the content item in their inbox.

However, if we want just a notification to all the parents of the content items that one of their child content item has been updated, we cannot do it out of the box. Is this correct interpretation?

If so, can we write any extension to take inform parent content items?

Our notification mechanism is about sending emails to users that are in roles associated with items. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘informing parent item.’ Do you really mean to send an email to the creator of the item? The last editor? Or someone else?

No…we dont want to send the email, as the users donot want emails in their Outlook Inbox. They want the notification to somehow appear in their Percussion Inbox.

There is no support for this in the product, it may be able to be done as custom work, this is just off the top of my head:

[ul]Create a new content type called something like ‘Task.’ [/ul]
[ul]Create a post exit as you originally envisioned to find all affected parents. For each one, create a new task item, setting appropriate person as a property of the task.[/ul]
[ul]Create a view that searches for these items based on the user and add it to the CX.[/ul]
[ul]Add an action that can be applied to this content type to mark it as ‘Task Done’. This action sets a flag on the task and prevents if from appearing in the Task view.[/ul]
[ul]The admin occassionally searches for all completed tasks and purges them (this could be automated as well.)[/ul]