Xml Application to list content item with folder path

I want to create an xml application that will list the full path of all content items of a certain content type.
Assume I have a site called MySite with 3 folders (folder1, folder2 and folder3) each with subfolders (folder1a under folder1, folder2a under folder2). Under each of these sub folders, I have content items of type rffImage.

What Rhythmyx table(s) must I query to get the list of all rffImage instances - and output something like this:

What will be the sql statement ? I want to use that statement in my xml application.


I am not sure of the exact query you would use. However, when I am in situations like this I will change the log4j.xml such that it will log all SQL that the system is doing. Then, I will do something in the system that will cause it fetch the information I am trying to get at, then I watch the log and see the SQL that it is running and that usually gives me exactly what I need or a good starting point to know which tables are involved in a particular aspect of the system. In your case, I would probably create a Display Format that has the site id, site folder, and content id in it, then set a folder to use that Display Format in Content Explorer, and finally view an item in the folder and see what queries are executed.

If you haven’t worked with the log4j.xml file before, there’s probably already a post on the forum about it somewhere, not to mention the log4j documentation on the internet.