Allow users to manually run editions, but not allow any edit?

Some CMS users have a need to run editions manually, but at the same time we don’t want to give them permissions to edit or delete. Can this be done in 6.5.2?

In Rx 6.6, does publishing tab stay in CX, or there will be a different UI?


You want PublishNow. You may be able to figure it out from these posts and your Rhythmyx FF configuration

No, “Publish Now” is not what we want, which only publishes selected items, not the parents that were touched.

Our users want to publish an edition to “cover” the whole site (incrementally).


The “start button” for an edition is a link with a URL (like http://<host>:<port>/Rhythmyx/sys_pubHandler/publisher.htm?editionid=310&PUBAction=publish )

If you put a this URL on a JSP page (for example) with a little script around it, that would do what you want.

In 6.6, there are separate tabs for “publishing admin” and “publishing runtime”. They are both in the Browser / CX.

I have created batch files which sit on a users desktop. They can run the batch file, which in turn sets off a specific edition, without having access to the Publishing or Workflow tabs in the CE.

That might work for you…?


That’s a good question that could use a good answer.

Yes, we’ve been pointing our Publish Now menu item at incremental editions, so someone had to remind us how a true Publish Now edition works.

[QUOTE=mdmcginn;5614]That’s a good question that could use a good answer.

Which is why I answered it further up in this thread :slight_smile: