sys_title field validation turn off

Is there any way we can easily turn off the sys_title uniqueness validation?
We need this to be turned off only temporarily as we are doing migration of data, and we are making sure that the sys_title is always unique.

The problem is that uniqueness validation is taking lot of time, which is creating problems in the execution of our scripts.



For the sys_title (under “Content Types Global Configuration”) we have the following validation rule in place as a regular expression: [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+

Plus, we also have the extension “sys_ValidateUniqueName” as another validation rule (to make sure that there will only be one unique name per folder)
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I’m sure if you turn off that validation rule, it will be good to go for you…


I realize the links above aren’t exactly what you are looking for…so my question to you is: Are you using the batch importer to migrate your data? if so you should be able to edit the source to prevent the checking of unique sys_titles (we have done this on our copy)…


We are not using the Batch Importer tool. Our data is a little bit more complex. We wrote extensions which migrate the entire data from old cms to Percussion.

We can increase the speed of our migration if sys_title validation is turned off.
