User Role Groups

I have been searching the forms for some information concerning grouping users in the server administrator to help manage the roles/users relationships. I want to be able to make a role of “Student Assistant” that would be able to be included in another role called “WW_Central_Region”, however I cannot get this relationship to function. I thought the Add Members -> New… -> Group option would be a way to make this relationship work… so far nothing seems to work. Some other users have had a similar situation:

Did anyone get this request to work?

Rhythmyx roles cannot be nested, i.e. one role cannot contain another.
If I understand your request, you can accomplish the same thing if your security provider has groups. You would make a group called ‘Student Assistant’ and add that group to both the Student Assistent role and the WW_Central_Region role.

I stumbled upon the functionality I was looking for by playing around in the workbench. In the “Community Visibility” section, adding the sub-groups to “Assigned Roles” will prevent you from having to add nested groups (e.g. admins, student assistants) to the community in the Server Administrator that aren’t really part of the community, but need to make edits from time to time. So, for each new community I added the admin, student assistant, and normal community roles to the “assigned Roles” section of the new community in the workbench and now the admins have the community listed in their dropdown of communities. The documentation doesn’t clearly indicate to me that this is what the field was intended for.