Help text in Content Editor in v6.5


In Rx 5.7 there was a file helptext.html that generated a Help icon and Help text in a pop-out window within the Content Editor. It was in the folder /Rhythmyx/rx_resources/html. The file could be edited to match fields in different content types, along with help for system and shared fields. It was a very useful piece of functionality.

Now we have upgraded to v6.5.2, I cannot get the helptext.html file to work as it did before. :confused:

Can anyone advise how to achieve the same effect (bespoke help text with icon for each field in the CE) in Rx 6.5.2? Our users would benefit from this and it is a useful place to put brief guidance for specific fields. I am hoping this is as straightforward as it was in previous versions.

Any ideas?


We have managed to do something similar, but do not use that file. We have had to add a minor customisation to several files.

If you would like to know more see these articles:

If you would like some advice how to do this. Shout!

Best Wishes
